You Will Be Remembered Mac OS

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If you fail to install Thunderbird to the Mac applications, every time Thunderbird starts it will not have remembered your provious session settings - it will ask you to create email accounts, or otherwise indicate that it has no data. You must drag the Thunderbird dmg file/icon to the Mac Applications folder.

At the top you will see a menu bar from there, select Utilities Terminal. In the Terminal window type “resetpassword” and press Enter. Use the Reset Password utility to select your hard drive, choose your user account, and enter a new password and your task will be completed. With simple steps, you have reset your Mac OS X password. Today I will show you a trick to “reset Mac OS X password” without installing a new copy of it. As we have many versions of Mac OS X, there will be some small difference in a trick to resetting the password. First, we will see “How to reset Mac OS X password” depending on the versions. Reset 10.4 Tiger password. Power on or restart.

I was deeply saddened to read of the passing of Michael Crichton, at the way-too-young age of 66. Michael was an amazingly talented individual, as evidenced by his background—a Harvard-educated medical doctor who wrote The Andromeda Strain while still in medical school, and then wrote (and directed the movie version of) The Great Train Robbery.

From there, his writing career really took off, and he had me hooked at a relatively early age—I remember reading my dad’s copy of The Andromeda Strain in my teen years. While I may not have agreed with all of his recent writing, his books were consistently entertaining, and mixed just enough reality in with some out-there science fiction to get me thinking about the possibilities.

Beyond the books, Michael Crichton wrote and directed Westworld (a 1973 movie about humanistic robots running amok at a resort in the future) and Runaway, directed Coma, and co-wrote the screenplays for both Jurassic Park and Twister. While none of these movies will be remembered as Best Picture Oscar winners, I found them all very entertaining—and I still have vivid memories of childhood nightmares featuring the robotic Yul Brynner pursuing the humans through the underground tunnels of Westworld.

Finally, as if this wasn’t enough to keep any one person more than busy enough, he also found time to create, write, and produce the long-running TV drama ER.

Clearly, Michael’s passing has left a large hole in the entertainment universe. But on a much more personal level, it’s also left a hole in my little corner of that universe. While I never met Michael in person, he and I shared at least one thing in common: a passion for the Mac in general, and OS X in particular. While it’s true that many Mac users could make the same claim, in my case, the connection is a little more personal—and explaining why involves sharing a story that, until today, has remained only within the confines of my immediate family.

Eight years ago (on November 4, 2000), I founded (strictly as a hobby) as a place to collect all these tips I was discovering about the then-very-new Mac OS X. Somewhat surprisingly to me, the site grew very quickly through its first year, and I found myself struggling to pay the ever-increasing hosting bills—I had to change hosting providers two or three times in that timeframe, just to keep my hobby affordable. At the time, the site had no ads, so the only source of income was my paycheck from my day job.

At some point, I decided to request donations to help offset the expenses, and included links to pay via a couple different online agencies. As I didn’t wish to include my mailing address on the web site, I also put up an e-mail link for those who wanted to send a check instead. One day, I opened my inbox to see this message:

OK, so if you received an e-mail from one “mcrichton,” what would you do? Here’s what I did:

So I sent that off, expecting nothing, but was then thrilled to receive this in response:

To make a somewhat-lengthy story a little bit shorter, it was indeed that Michael Crichton who was interested in supporting the site.

Needless to say, this made not only my day, but my week, my month, and my year. I put the book on my shelf, and whenever I started to feel down about how much of my free time my “hobby” was taking, a quick glance at the bookshelf was all it took to get me going again. Today, seven years on, I still have the book and card, and now, with Michael’s passing, will treasure them more than ever.

Michael, thank you for the wonderful entertainment you provided over the years—and for the individual support you provided to some guy running an OS X Web site as a hobby back in 2001. The world has lost a great talent, and you will be sorely missed.

  • In a Finder window, press VO-Right Arrow or VO-Left Arrow to move through the window until you hear “toolbar.” Interact with the toolbar.
  • Press VO-Right Arrow until you hear “view radio group” and then interact with that control. Press VO-Right Arrow key until you hear the view you want to use.

    You can choose from icon, list, column, or Cover Flow view. In Cover Flow view, the browser is split horizontally into two sections. The top section is a graphical view of each item, such as folder icons or a preview of the first page of a document. The bottom section is a list view of the items.

  • When you have selected a view, stop interacting with the view radio group and the toolbar, and then press VO-Right Arrow to move through the window until you hear “sidebar.”
  • You Will Be Remembered Mac Os 11

    To move down the list of items in the sidebar, press VO-Down Arrow. When you hear the item you want, jump to it in the view browser; you can interact with it.

    To jump, press VO-J. If you’re using VoiceOver gestures, keep a finger on the trackpad and press the Control key.

  • Move to and select the item you want to open, using the method for the view you’re in:
  • Remembered

    Icon view: Use the arrow keys to move to the item you want.

    List view: To move down the list rows, press VO-Down Arrow. To expand and collapse a folder, press VO-. To move the VoiceOver cursor across a row and hear information about an item, press VO-Right Arrow. Or press VO-R to hear the entire row read at once.

    Column view: To move down the list until you find the folder or file you want, use the Down Arrow key. To move into subfolders, press the Right Arrow key.

    Cover Flow view: To flip through the items in the top section and move automatically through the corresponding list rows in the bottom section, press the Left Arrow or Right Arrow key.

    When you find the file or folder you want to open, use the Finder shortcut Command-O or Command-Down Arrow to open it.

    You Will Be Remembered Mac Os X

    VoiceOver announces when you have selected an alias or a file or folder you don’t have permission to open.