Prelude To An Epilogue Mac OS

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Hi devs
I purchased X3AP on the App Store for my Macbook. I notice though this version is still v2.51 and not the latest and greatest X3AP that is available for Windows. Therefore I can not use great add ons like the X3 XRM Rebalance Mod which only supports 3.0+.
I contacted the support link and the company that did the conversion (Virtual Programming Ltd) responded that Egosoft had cancelled the contract with them and therefore they will not be updating X3AP on the Mac.
This is rather unfortunate. Does Egosoft have plans to continue developing X3AP on the Mac?
We just released a Feb. 5 '89 prototype of DuckTales for the NES!
If you'd like to support our preservation efforts (and this wasn't cheap), please consider donating or supporting us on Patreon. Thank you!
Prelude To An Epilogue Mac OS

Developers: Terry Cavanagh, Simon Roth (C++ port)
Platforms: Windows, Mac OS X, Linux
Released internationally: January 11, 2010

This game has unused enemies.
This game has unused graphics.
This game has unused text.
This game has revisional differences.

This game has a notes page
This game has a prototype article

VVVVVV (supposedly pronounced simply as 'V', not 'V-V-V-V-V-V', 'Six Vs' or 'VVVVHHHH'), is a platform game where you can't jump, being limited to flipping gravity instead.

To do:
Take the game apart to find more unused stuff.
  • 1Unused Graphics
  • 3Unused Text
    • 3.2Early Script Remnants
  • 4Version Differences

Unused Graphics

X-Shaped Enemy Skin

An unused graphic of a box with an X in it, animated to show the border undulating, found just below Viridian's sprites in sprites.png in the game's resources folder. It is possible to use the internal command exploit to spawn this enemy into a level, and it acts like a normal enemy would.

One-Way Walls

Arrow tiles present in both tiles.png and tiles2.png. Interestingly, if placed with Direct Mode, Viridian can only walk through them in the direction indicated by the arrow, meaning it still has its function left-over in the final game. They seem to look similar to the one-way walls found in the mechanics test.

Unused Internal Commands

By abusing a glitch to use internal commands in a normal script editor, there are some unused commands left in the game.

This loops the code inside the do(x)/loop bracket x times, depending on what number is in the do(x).

This was meant to be used to clear the script set with teleportscript(x). However, no commands related to teleporters are usable, as if a teleporter is spawned outside the main game using the internal scripting exploit, the main game telesave is 'corrupted' (it is set to the coords of the room the teleporter is spawned in, sometimes creating glitches). The game will also crash upon bringing up the teleporter menu.

Please see the Notes page for more details on using internal commands.

Unused Text

Hidden within the game are (probably more than) two unused text strings - they can be seen through the use of internal scripts in custom levels or hexediting.

Developer Text

Left over from an an early version of the game.

To do:
See if we can find any more.

Early Script Remnants

Rescuing Vitellary and Verdigris

This cutscene text is not used anywhere in the game. The former would have been used for Vitellary, while the latter would have been used for Verdigris.

Early Ship Crash Text

This cutscene is identical to the game's opening cutscene, except for the 'Ninstar elevator defence' line. The line doesn't refer to anything currently in the game.Due to a strange bug in 2.2, this opening cutscene text is used, rather than the default text.

Other Unused Text

Most likely from a Eurogamer demo of the game. You can make this window appear by using Gamestate 116, however, it is set to continue to state 117, which doesn't exist, so things may fail.

Version Differences

Version 1.0

Version 1.0 has quite a few differences from version 2.1.

To do:
Find more of these. Would the fixed bugs from the distractionwareforums count?

Prelude To An Epilogue Mac Os Sierra

  • The Intermissions do not exist.
  • The Lab and the Warp Zone use the music track 'Predestined Fate', instead of 'Pressure Cooker' and 'Potential For Anything'.
  • No player levels.
  • No time trials.
  • No 'No Death Mode'.
  • No Game Options (invincibility, slowdown, etc.) yet there are some mentions of 'Colorblind mode' and 'One Switch Mode'.
  • The title screen music loop is much shorter.
  • The credits play Pushing Onwards when selected in the menu.
  • There appears to be an Epilogue mode, but it is grayed out as it didn't exist yet. Perhaps it would play the final level, as it existed then.
  • The gravity lines are green instead of the regular white/grey color.
  • There are added spikes in Anomaly, a screen in The Lab.
  • There is a different layout in That's Why I Have to Kill You, a screen in The Warp Zone.
  • The map, when opened from the menu, slowly fades shades of Viridian's color, rather than flashing white and becoming a static color.
  • A slight visual different in The Yes Men, a screen in Space Station 1.

Prelude To An Epilogue Mac Os Catalina

To do:
I pulled these differences from here. So, if that's not what you mean then remove my differences or if it is the same version, remove this text.

Prelude To An Epilogue Mac Os Download

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