Adentin Mac OS
This post provides step by step guide to Install McAfee agent on Mac OS. Though the McAfee KB available for the same, could see some of us struggling to do it. So felt outlining a steps with commands will be helpful. Consider Mac OS version 10.14.3 and McAfee Agent version 5.6.2 used for demonstration here. Kindly note this guide suitable for ePO environment.
Step1: Get McAfee agent package from ePO
Use any one of below method to get the McAfee Agent Installation package from ePO.
From Console:
System Tree -> New systems -> Select “Create and download agent installation package” -> Click on “Non Windows” -> Select version and “OK”
The Symantec DLP agent for Mac OS 11 from version 15.7 MP2 has been re-designed to eliminate their use DLP Agent Versions below 15.7 MP2 To permit loading for DLP agent kernel extensions see: DLP Agents deployed with MDM profiles on macOS 10.13.2 and later not loading. Ye Q, Park J, Topp E, Spencer P. Effect of photoinitiators on the in vitro performance of adentin adhesive exposed to simulated oral environment. 2009 Apr;25(4):452-8. Doi: 10.1016/ Ikemura K, Endo T.
From ePO Server:
Login to ePO server RDP session. And copy the below Install script to target system.
Step2: Install McAfee Agent
First extract the archive and execute the Installer script. Then output will be similar to below if the Installation is successful.
Further verify and ensure McAfee agent Installed correctly.
Step3 (Optional): Set Custom Properties
This step is optional. Therefore If your organization demands to set custom properties, you may refer these commands. Unlike Windows, McAfee agent Installation command of Mac OS do not accept custom properties as arguments. Since you must set it manually after McAfee agent Installation.
Note: Kindly replace “xyz” with the value suitable to your requirement.
Step4: Start McAfee Agent service
Now its time to start McAfee Agent service. Since these commands need root privileges, use “sudo” as prefix.
Step5: Verify agent to server communication
Finally verify and ensure agent do talking to ePO without any Issue.
Like above, does the log shows server response code of 200. Then agent received response from server. Thus it mean agent talking to ePO well. Herewith completed McAfee agent Install on Mac OS.
Additional Useful Commands
Found bunch of other commands useful during Installation and troubleshooting. Hence will write them here with its purpose and syntax.
Q1: How to list the kernel modules loaded for McAfee agent?
Q2: What is the command to stop and restart McAfee agent service?
Q3: Is there a way to disable McAfee agent service and prevent startup during boot of Mac OS?
Above commands disable McAfee agent kernel modules. Hence it will not start automatically from next boot.
Q4: How do I re-enable McAfee agent services to load automatically during boot time on Mac OS?
Adentin Mac Os 11
Above command does enable McAfee agent kernel modules to load during Mac OS boot time. Since from next restart McAfee agent do start automatically.
Q5: Is it possible to find out ePO server details from client (agent) system? And how to verify connectivity to it through commands?
Have already wrote answer to this question in other post. Request you to look at “Troubleshooting Section” of post
To conclude, have shared as much as Information I could with examples. Hope this does helps you when needed. And please post your thoughts and queries in comments section. At last Thank You for reading my post !!
Today is the 20th anniversary of the release of Mac OS X. I wrote a bit about it in my Macworld column this week, and also put together a little Mac OS X timeline.
I’ve written a lot about Mac OS X over the years. Compiling that timeline reminded me of that. I was a features editor at Macworld when Apple began shipping OS X precursors, and so I edited most of our early coverage. Beginning with Mac OS X 10.1, I wrote most of Macworld’s big feature stories covering each release.
I’ve lived in the same house since 1999, so I have spent many springs and summers sitting out in my yard under our redwood tree writing and editing articles about Mac OS X, OS X, and now macOS.
Adentin Mac Os Catalina
How many? This many:
- OS X Prehistory (compiled by me from multiple Macworld features)
Mac Os Download
Wow, that’s a lot of operating-system releases. Here’s to the next uncountable number of them.
Mac Os Mojave
(While I wrote shorter reviews for Macworld, John Siracusa was always reviewing OS X at length for Ars Technica. Here’s a list of all his reviews.)
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